1. The manuscript should be submitted in electronic form as a PDF file with fonts included. Other formats may occasionally be agreed with the Programme Co-ordinator for the event concerned. The electronic manuscript should be limited to a maximum of ten A4 pages, including the text and all illustrations.
2. We recommend that the text should be typed single-spaced on a white background. The title should be centred in capital letters one inch from the top of the first page. The authors' names and complete organisational affiliation should be two lines below the title and the text should start three lines below this. A one-inch margin should be left on all four sides of each page. Double space between paragraphs. Each page should be numbered.
3. A Digest will be produced directly from the author's file so adherence to these guidelines would be appreciated. It is also important that any figures, graphs or reproductions in the manuscript be of good quality. All illustrations must be included in one electronic file with the text. Failure to comply with the above may result in its exclusion from the published digest.
4. The final electronic manuscript must be submitted to the Technical Program Coordinator no later than the deadline given in the Final Call for Papers. Any delay may result in the paper not being published. Permission to publish (publication release form) should also be submitted at the same time.
ARMMS does not copyright its digest and therefore does not require a copyright release. However, ARMMS must of necessity assume that materials presented at its meetings or submitted for publication are properly available for general dissemination. It is the responsibility of the author, not ARMMS, to determine whether disclosure of the material requires the prior consent of other parties and to obtain the consent. A signed Publication Release form will be required of all authors prior to publication of their paper in the Conference Digest. Papers for which Publication Release forms not received will have the submitted abstract published in the Digest with a notice instructing interest parties to contact the author.
Click here to view our Publication Release Form.